Dmitry Lukashin


[email protected]LinkedInMexico City, Mexico

Highly focused technologist with a multidisciplinary skill set honed over 15+ years in the tech industry. I strive to build great products and can take an initial idea, tackle it from multiple angles and take it from something great to something incredible. With 15+ years of experience in various industries, I help tech startups from idea phase to high volumes. I design and build scalable solutions, implement internal processes that fit your organization, build teams that produce results.


Software Engineer

Amazon Mexico | 2020 - 2022

I worked on expanding digital products selection to Mexican and Brazilian marketplaces. I closely collaborated with some 10 teams owning various components of the product, including Accounting, Fraud, Payments, and components of the retail website.

The launch of the product had been noticed in the

As a side activity, I have built a program for offline events with the purpose of building a local technical community around the Amazon Mexico brand.

Software Engineer

NVIDIA | 2018 - 2020

I had designed from scratch a platform that reinvented automation and performance testing in gaming development with ML and computer vision approach. The solution decreased routine manual testing time to nearly 0.

  • Designed an event-driven architecture for the platform core and 10 sub-services, which span 3 Kubernetes clusters and a farm of desktop machines
  • Designed distributed storage schema for persisting and querying billions of data points. Built ETL pipelines for the raw performance data indexing and processing. Pipelines generated heat-maps, insights, and regression/delta reports applied to the games maps as the layers.
  • Developed core services: auto-scaled REST API, Geo API for the games maps, Authentication, Dashboard UI
  • Built AWS infrastructure: Terraform, EKS, RDS, DynamoDB, Media Services, Cloudfront / API Gateway / LBs, Lambda
  • Trained the team to use the SCRUM approach, SOLID principles, 12 Factor app approach
Technologies: Python, Go, C++, TensorFlow, Kubernetes, AWS

Software Engineering Manager | 2016 - 2018

I led a development team working on the currency trading and portfolio management platform.

  • Implemented Agile approach to development and decision making
  • Led adoption of continuous integration/deployment
  • Led integration of the payment processing compliant with the security and regulatory requirements.
  • Service processed $2-3 million USD monthly
  • Redesigned data store for the CRM leading up to 300% performance gain
  • Implemented new approach to the development environment and CI/CD pipelines for AWS deployments

Founder / CEO

TetraWeb | 2008 - 2016

I have built a digital agency from scratch. The company had grown from 1 up to 15 on-site employees. Built Engineering, Digital Marketing, and Sales departments. I established departments’ strategies, quality standards, and KPIs. Created online advertising strategies for over 60 customers Acted as a Product Owner on the customer’s behalf for over 20 projects Developed onboarding courses for the new employees Organized the marketing activities representing the company booth at the conferences, increasing sales by up to 200% Personally led the mid-sized and big projects, working with the executives of CEO/CTO and VP level Most of the projects were in the e-commerce and ERP systems domain, for the customers operating in the manufacturing, retail, and wholesale industries.

Web Developer

Smartech | 2007 - 2008

During my tenure, I learned then-popular e-commerce solutions and participated in small and mid-sized projects as a PHP / Javascript developer


Lecturer at HARBOUR.SPACE University

Barcelona, Spain

I gave two 3-weeks long onsite courses on Modern Web development in 2019 and 2021



Agile Methodologies
Team Leadership
Product Management
Project Management


Big Scale & Distributed Systems
Cloud & On-premises Infrastructure
Backend Development
Frontend Development
Data Science




AWSGoogle CloudKubernetesKNativeDockerTerraformHelmCDKLoad BalancingService MeshCDNServerlessOpentracingMonitoringAlarming


TDDBDDMicroservices12 Factor AppSOLIDETL PipelinesGraphQLgRPCOAuth2OIDC


DjangoFlaskFastAPIAsyncIOCeleryTensorflowGinChiSpringRuby On RailsLaravelAngularReactNextGatsbyVue




DockerAtlassian stackGitCI / CD pipelines


Financial manager

International Institute of Economics and Law

2014 - 2019

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